SC - 1106 | Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis

Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science) 3rd Edition by Bradley P. Carlin (Author), Thomas A. Louis (Author)

Broadening its scope to nonstatisticians, Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis, Third Edition provides an accessible introduction to the foundations and applications of Bayesian analysis. Along with a complete reorganization of the material, this edition concentrates more on hierarchical Bayesian modeling as implemented via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods and related data analytic techniques.

New to the Third Edition:

- New data examples, corresponding R and WinBUGS code, and homework problems

- Explicit descriptions and illustrations of hierarchical modeling-now commonplace in Bayesian data analysis

- A new chapter on Bayesian design that emphasizes Bayesian clinical trials

- A completely revised and expanded section on ranking and histogram estimation

- A new case study on infectious disease modeling and the 1918 flu epidemic

- A solutions manual for qualifying instructors that contains solutions, computer code, and associated output for every homework problem-available both electronically and in print

Ideal for Anyone Performing Statistical Analyses

Focusing on applications from biostatistics, epidemiology, and medicine, this text builds on the popularity of its predecessors by making it suitable for even more practitioners and students.

2009 | ISBN-13: 978-1-58488-697-6 |  ID: SC - 1106

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