SC - 1627 | Roles of Host Gene and Non-coding RNA Expression in Virus Infection by Ralph A. Tripp, S. Mark Tompkins

This volume discusses the interactions between viruses and their host cells, and explores the roles of host and viral genes and non-coding RNAs in the virus replication cycle.

During infection, viruses express a variety of genes, encoding proteins and RNAs that serve to subjugate the cell – by redirecting cellular processes to support viral replication and, at the same time, by mitigating the cellular response to infection.

In this book, experts discuss these interactions in depth, and elaborate on our current understanding of virus-cell interactions for a diverse range of viruses, including positive and negative sense RNA viruses, DNA viruses, and a vector-borne virus. The roles of non-coding RNAs are also discussed.

While each class of viruses has distinct replication requirements, this volume reveals unique features and commonalities in viral replication cycles. Accordingly, it represents a valuable source of information for researchers and clinicians alike.

SC - 1627

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