F - 2714 | Open House by Elizabeth Berg

Samantha's husband has left her, and after a spree of overcharging at Tiffany's, she settles down to reconstruct a life for herself and her eleven-year-old son.

Her eccentric mother tries to help by fixing her up with dates, but a more pressing problem is money.
To meet her mortgage payments, Sam decides to take in boarders.

The first is an older woman who offers sage advice and sorely needed comfort; the second, a maladjusted student, is not quite so helpful.
A new friend, King, an untraditional man, suggests that Samantha get out, get going, get work.

But her real work is this: In order to emerge from grief and the past, she has to learn how to make her own happiness.

Open House is a love story about what can blossom between a man and a woman, and within a woman herself.

F - 2714

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