Giles Kristian

PN - 941/1 | God of Vengeance (The Rise of Sigurd #1) by Giles Kristian:


Norway AD 785.
A land of petty kingdoms and ambitious men...

When King Gorm betrays Jarl Harald and puts his family to the sword, he makes a terrible mistake. He fails to kill Harald's youngest son, Sigurd.

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  • Hunted by powerful men and hiding in a sacred fen, Sigurd believes the gods have turned their backs on his family. His kin are dead or captured. His village is attacked and its people taken as slaves. Honour is lost.
    Yet all men know that Ódin, whose name means frenzy, is drawn to chaos and bloodshed as a raven is to the slaughtered dead - and Sigurd means to spill blood.

    Alone but for a small band of loyal men including his red-bearded friend Svein, his father's right-hand man Olaf, and Asgot the godi, Sigurd hungers to avenge the murder of his family.
    In an attempt to catch Ódin's eye, the young man sacrifices himself - as the god once did - and it is during this ritual ordeal that Sigurd is shown a vision.
    The Wolf.
    The Bear.
    The Serpent.
    The Eagle.

PN - 941/2 | Winter's Fire (The Rise of Sigurd #2) by Giles Kristian:


Norway, AD 785.
A vow of vengeance must be kept ...
Sigurd Haraldarson has proved himself a great warrior . . . and a dangerous enemy.
He has gone a long way towards avenging the murder of his family.

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  • And yet the oath-breaker King Gorm, who betrayed Sigurd’s father, still lives. And so long as he draws breath, the scales remain unbalanced.
    The sacred vow to avenge his family burns in Sigurd’s veins, but he must be patient and bide his time.

    He knows that he and his band of warriors are not yet strong enough to confront the treacherous king. They need silver, they need more spear-brothers to rally to the young Viking’s banner—but more than these, they need to win fame upon the battlefield.

PN - 941/3 | Wings of the Storm (The Rise of Sigurd #3) by Giles Kristian:


Norway, AD 785.
A wild place, a place of blood, a place where the gods hold sway . . .

Sigurd Haraldarson and his oathsworn band are winning fame and reputation. But to confront his hated enemy - the oath-breaker and betrayer King Gorm - they must win riches too.

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  • When a daring raid goes wrong, Sigurd finds himself a prisoner of the powerful Jarl Guthrum. Bound like a slave, he is taken to the sacred temple at Ubsola to face the sacrificial knife.

    But here Sigurd discovers a potent relic: Gungnir, a great spear that would give him the power to assemble a host strong enough to challenge King Gorm, and avenge the betrayal of his father and the murder of his family.

PN - 947/1 | Blood Eye (Raven #1) by Giles Kristian:

For two years Osric has lived a simple life, apprentice to the mute old carpenter who took him in when others would have him cast out.

But when Norsemen from across the sea burn his village they also destroy his new life, and Osric finds himself a prisoner of these warriors. Their chief, Sigurd the Lucky, believes the Norns have woven this strange boy's fate together with his own, and Osric begins to sense glorious purpose among this Fellowship of warriors.

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  • Immersed in the Norsemen's world and driven by their lust for adventure, Osric proves a natural warrior and forges a blood bond with Sigurd, who renames him Raven.

    But the Norsemen's world is a savage one, where loyalty is often repaid in blood and where a young man must become a killer to survive.

PN - 947/2 | Sons of Thunder (Raven #2) by Giles Kristian:


The sequel to Giles Kristian's acclaimed historical debut, Raven: Blood Eye, this brutal, bloody and unputdownable novel continues the story of the Viking Raven and his warrior brotherhood.

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  • Never betray a Fellowship and expect to get away with your life...

    Raven and his Wolfpack of Norsemen have been double crossed. The traitor Ealdred seeks to sell a holy book to the Emperor Charlemagne which will ensure riches beyond his wildest dreams. Greed drives him forward, but a band of fearsome warriors is in pursuit across the sea to Charlemagne's Frankish empire -- with the bloodiest of revenge on their minds.

PN - 947/3 | Odin's Wolves (Raven #3) by Giles Kristian:


They came from the North and fought their way through France and Spain. Now this fearless band of brothers sets sail for the greatest city in the world.

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  • Plunging through the living hell of Pope Leo’s shattered, perverted Rome, the dragon-faced ships of Sigurd the Lucky are manned by a strange and fearsome crew: bearded Norse raiders who sacrifice their vanquished enemies to Odin, brave Greek warriors, a Moor, and an English monk.

    Among the Norsemen is Raven, a young man of uncertain parentage who is able—from the depths of his blood-spotted eye—to glimpse the future. Robbed of the woman he loves, Raven is destined to play a cunning role in the boldest of attacks.

PN - 951/1 | Lancelot (The Arthurian Tales #1) by Giles Kristian:


The legions of Rome are a fading memory. Enemies stalk the fringes of Britain. And Uther Pendragon is dying. Into this fractured and uncertain world the boy is cast, a refugee from fire, murder and betrayal. An outsider whose only companions are a hateful hawk and memories of the lost.

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  • Yet he is gifted, and under the watchful eyes of Merlin and the Lady Nimue he will hone his talents and begin his journey to manhood. He will meet Guinevere, a wild, proud and beautiful girl, herself outcast because of her gift. And he will be dazzled by Arthur, a warrior who carries the hopes of a people like fire in the dark. But these are times of struggle and blood, when even friendship and love seem doomed to fail.

    The gods are vanishing beyond the reach of dreams. Treachery and jealousy rule men’s hearts and the fate of Britain itself rests on a sword’s edge.

PN - 951/2 | Camelot (The Arthurian Tales #2) by Giles Kristian:


Following his acclaimed Sunday Times bestseller, Lancelot, Giles Kristian's new novel returns us to the realms of Arthurian legend . . .

Britain is a land riven by anarchy, slaughter, famine, filth and darkness. Its armies are destroyed, its heroes dead, or missing. Arthur and Lancelot fell in the last great battle and Merlin has not been these past ten years.

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  • But in a small, isolated monastery in the west of England, a young boy is suddenly plucked from his simple existence by the ageing warrior, Gawain. It seems he must come to terms with his legacy and fate as the son of the most celebrated yet most infamous of Arthur's warriors: Lancelot.

    For this is the story of Galahad, Lancelot’s son – the reluctant warrior who dared to keep the dream of Camelot alive . . .

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