Graph Theory by Ashay Dharwadker (Author), Shariefuddin Pirzada (Author)
This text offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date presentation available on the fundamental topics in graph theory. It develops a thorough understanding of the structure of graphs, the techniques used to analyze problems in graph theory and the uses of graph theoretical algorithms in mathematics, engineering and computer science.
There are many new topics in this book that have not appeared before in print: new proofs of various classical theorems, signed degree sequences, criteria for graphical sequences, eccentric sequences, matching and decomposition of planar graphs into trees. Scores in digraphs appear for the first time and include new results due to Pirzada.
The climax of the book is a new proof of the famous four colour theorem due to Dharwadker.
2011 | ISBN: 1466254998 | ID: SC - 1120
SC - 1120 | Graph Theory
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