SC - 1121 | Mathematical Time Capsules: Historical Modules for the Mathematics Classroom

Mathematical Time Capsules: Historical Modules for the Mathematics Classroom (Mathematical Association of America Notes) by Dick Jardine (Editor), Amy Shell-Gellasch (Editor)

Mathematical Time Capsules offers teachers historical modules for immediate use in the mathematics classroom.

Relevant history-based activities for a wide range of undergraduate and secondary mathematics courses are included.

Readers will find articles and activities from mathematics history that enhance the learning of topics typically associated with undergraduate or secondary mathematics curricula.

Each capsule presents one topic, or perhaps a few related topics, or a historical thread that can be used throughout a course. The capsules were written by experienced practitioners to provide other teachers with the historical background, suggested classroom activities and further references and resources on the subject addressed.

After reading a capsule, a teacher will have increased confidence in engaging students with at least one activity rich in the history of mathematics that will enhance student learning of the mathematical content of the course.

2011 | ISBN 978-0-88385-187-6 | ISBN 978-0-88385-984-1 | ID: SC - 1121

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