Mathematical Modelling in One Dimension: An Introduction via Difference and Differential Equations (AIMS Library of Mathematical Sciences) 1st Edition by Jacek Banasiak (Author)
Mathematical Modelling in One Dimension demonstrates the universality of mathematical techniques through a wide variety of applications. Learn how the same mathematical idea governs loan repayments, drug accumulation in tissues or growth of a population, or how the same argument can be used to find the trajectory of a dog pursuing a hare, the trajectory of a self-guided missile or the shape of a satellite dish.
The author places equal importance on difference and differential equations, showing how they complement and intertwine in describing natural phenomena.
2013 | ISBN 978-1-107-65468-6 | ID: SC - 1122
SC - 1122 | Mathematical Modelling in One Dimension: An Introduction via Differenceand Differential Equations
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