Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine: A Case Study Approach by Mark T. Friedman (Author), Kamille A. West (Contributor), Peyman Bizargity (Contributor), Kyle Annen (Contributor), Jeffrey S. Jhang (Contributor)
The latest edition of this volume features an extensively revised and expanded collection of immunohematology and transfusion medicine cases, comprised of clinical vignettes and antibody panels with questions based on each case.
Arranged in a workbook format, the text presents cases based on real patient problems that are typically encountered and covers a number of common issues and challenging problems in blood banking and transfusion practice. Discussion and resolution of each case is provided in a separate answer section, including up-to-date information on pertinent advances in the field. This second edition also contains new cases on topics not previously covered, including types of compatibility testing, polyagglutination, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, immunohematology test drug interference, granulocyte transfusion, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, and the approach to the bloodless patient.
2018 | ISBN: 3319909592 | ID: SC - 511
SC - 511 | Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine
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