Whole Person Self Healing: A Science and Art by Phillip Shinnick (Author), Laurence Porter (Author)
Whole Person Self Healing brings an interdisciplinary healing approach to relieve pain and suffering. The book covers different topics that introduce readers to alternative therapies that can help the healing processes in the body.
These topics include an introduction to pulsed electromagnetic fields and their use in healing medicine, stable Bose-Einstein statistics, meditation techniques, scientific measurement of Qi energy and Qigong practice methods. The book also presents cases of family-based therapy and individuals recovering from painful injury.
Whole Person Self Healing presents information based on physics research and subjective accounts of individuals. The book offers general readers, researchers and therapists a scientific perspective on the benefits of electromagnetic field therapy and meditation for healing the body.
2017 | ISBN: 1681082608 | ID: SC - 512
SC - 512 | Whole Person Self Healing
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