SC - 565 | Rehabilitation Therapeutics of the Neurological Training

Rehabilitation Therapeutics of the Neurological Training: Daoyin Technique in Chinese Medicine by Wenru Zhao (Author)

This book introduces the Neurological Training and Educating Technical System (NTETS), providing readers with a useful tool for the recovery of motor function after incurring CNS lesions.

NTETS is based on the essential theories of Chinese medicine, central nervous system plasticity and motor function, using the six-step Chinese Daoyin technique to induce the CNS potency. This rehabilitation technique not only applies to acute stage patients who suffer from motor dysfunction caused by CNS lesions, but is also used for regaining motor function in long-term patients who have not experienced any improved motor function through the common rehabilitation methods of today. This informative book on NTETS is a beneficial supplement to modern rehabilitation medicine and serves as a valuable resource for rehabilitation doctors, nurses, graduate students in this field or employees working in neurology, neurosurgery, orthopaedics and geriatrics departments.

ISBN: 981130811X | 2019 | ID: SC - 565

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