Unmarried and with child, Lady Eugenie enters into a marriage of convenience to save herself and her unborn child from society's censure. However, her new husband turns out to be the rumored Beast of Ravengrove, a hideously scarred man who roams his ancestral home at night, sending fear into the hearts of those unfortunate enough to encounter him.
Battle-scarred and weary of life, Adrian Brooks, Earl of Remsemere, all but flees society and hides out at his country estate. Fearful of an old curse, which has already sent those he loved to an early grave, he spends his days in seclusion. However, one day, an old friend arrives at Ravengrove and begs him for a favor, a favor Adrian is honor-bound to grant.
Will the Beast of Ravengrove send his new bride fleeing into the woods? Or will Lady Eugenie discover that there is a man underneath his beastly demeanor? Is Adrian forever doomed to merely exist or will he learn to truly live and love again?
ID: R - 244/2
R - 244/2 | How to Tame a Beastly Lord (Happy Ever Regency #2) by Bree Wolf
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