The future isn’t real.
The past isn’t real, either.
Only the present is, solid and full, flying at our faces, our bodies, our hearts and souls at breakneck speed as we work to take it all in.
As we work to protect others.
And, finally - ourselves.
We’ve started to break the bonds of Stateless, a system as rotten as the one it seeks to destroy. But systems are organisms with one brutal goal: to survive, whatever it takes.
Kina has to do the unfathomable to save a different system, one she created out of empathy and love for children we rescued from the only home they know.
She’ll use her mind, her body, her spirit — and her ultimate weapons: love, and —
ID: R - 245/3
R - 245/3 | Fateless (Stateless #3) by Meli Raine
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