PN - 176/6 | Plague of the Manitou (Manitou #6) by Graham Masterton

Virus expert Anna Grey is disturbed when a dying patient is wheeled past her lab vomiting fountains of blood and screaming like a banshee. To make matters worse, when she examines the man s corpse, she could swear she hears him whisper: 'Get it out of me'.

John Patrick Bridges is dead. He s definitely dead. But if he s dead how is he talking?

Anna wonders if she s going mad. But then a second man haemorrhages and dies; yet Anna hears him whisper, 'Please help me'.

There is no such thing as demons, Anna tells herself. But cynical fortune-teller Harry Erskine knows otherwise and a series of extremely disturbing events are forcing him from his Miami home towards the bereaved Anna, who as yet has little idea of the evil she is facing . . .

ID:  PN - 176/6

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