R - 336 | One Winter’s Night by Adele Clee

A Regency Christmas story full of romance and intrigue with an ending to melt the heart.
An earl keen to avoid marriage.
Hugo de Wold, Earl of Denham, made a foolish vow to take a wife by his thirtieth birthday. The fact the event falls on Christmas Day prompts his mother to invite potential brides to Wollaston Hall to celebrate the festive season. Time and the weather are against him. The sudden snowstorm means the roads are impassable, and so all he can do is suffer their intolerable company. That is until a late-night visitor brings a welcome diversion.

A lady desperate to help her grandfather reunite with a lost love.
The plan was simple, or so Miss Lara Bennett thought. With her carriage stuck in the snow, she would take refuge at Wollaston Hall. Her grandfather would battle the bitter conditions to come to her rescue, and in the process reunite with a lost love.

Except no one could have predicted she’d become embroiled in a murder investigation.

ID:  R - 336

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