TH - 649/2 | The Bastille (Mickey Parsons Mysteries #2) by Victor Methos

When Zain Tamora, the worst mass murderer in Nevada's history, escapes from state custody, it sends shockwaves through the community. Leaving a trail of bodies in his wake, Tamora is a mute killing machine.

Special Agent Angela Listz with the Federal Bureau of Investigation is attacked and left for dead by Tamora. When her mentor and legendary special agent Mickey Parsons learns of the attack, he decides he must enter the mouth of madness again and find Tamora before he can kill anyone else.

But Tamora is remorseless and brutal. Mickey knows Tamora had the chance to disappear but instead goes on a killing spree. Concluding Tamora is searching for someone, Mickey is on his trail.


Victor Methos is a former prosecutor and currently a criminal defense attorney in the Midwest. His more than 40 books have sold over a million copies worldwide.

ID:  649/2

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