F - 2597/2 | The Second Betrayal (Divine Apostasy #2) by A.F. Kay

Reaching level five has allowed Ruwen to stay hidden from the gods and their minions. He just needs to survive the new Ascendant orientation, and he can finally look for his parents.

But a secret discovered during orientation rocks Ruwen’s understanding and forces him to face the power of his Cultivation. He finds answers in the Black Pyramid, along with dozens of new questions.

With new knowledge, Ruwen works even harder to gain the Skills and Abilities to battle those who wish him harm. But a betrayal shatters his world, endangering him and his friends.

Even if Ruwen survives the aftermath, he may never recover from the terrible truths that are revealed.

Because the only thing worse than being betrayed is being betrayed twice.


ID:  F - 2597/2

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