SC - 1431 | Using Gatsby and Netlify CMS by Joe Attardi

Leverage the powerful new combination of Gatsby and Netlify CMS, a free open source content management solution, to build blazing fast apps. This book shows you how to create a React-powered website using the Gatsby framework for the frontend, and Netlify CMS as the content backend.


Through the course of the book you’ll gradually build a website for a coffee shop that includes a blog and a bakery/coffee menu that is customizable through Netlify CMS. The project starts with a bare-bones Gatsby site to which you’ll add functionality such as setting up/configuring the CMS, creating different types of content, and writing some Gatsby glue code to consume the Markdown data via plugins. When done, you’ll be well-equipped to build on your existing JavaScript and React knowledge  to effectively use Gatsby and Netlify CMS for yourself or your clients.


Using Gatsby and Netlify CMS is an ideal guide for anyone looking to build their own sites and manage their own content without having to deal with creating Markdown files or Git repositories.


What You’ll Learn

  • Clone repositories, install dependencies and deploy on Netlify
  • Configure Netlify Identity and Git Gateway
  • Use Netlify CMS Content Manager
  • Source blog data using Gatsby plugin
  • Manage dynamic page reactions using Gatsby Node APIs
  • Work with pagination, content and menus
  • Customize Netlify CMS

Who This Book Is For

Experienced JavaScript developers with a good handle on React who want to learn how to build a maintainable Gatsby powered site. Basic familiarity with Gatsby is assumed but not required.


ID:  SC - 1431

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