F - 2349 | Speak To Me Of Love by Dorothy Eden

From the first time she set eyes on Overton House and on its brilliantly handsome young master, William Overton, Beatrice Bonnington was in thrall. In fact, it was sometimes difficult for her to distinguish which one she had fallen in love with first. 

But though the scion of a distinguished English family might be bought, neither he nor his peers could be forced to accept the daughter of a tradesman, despite the burgeoning success of Bonnington's Emporium in the Bayswater Road, the rival -- nay, the equal -- of Selfridge's and Liberty's. 

Wed her he might, but love her William could not seem to do. 

As he pursued his own pleasures more openly -- frequent trips abroad, liaisons with the reigning beauties of the day -- Beatrice sought refuge at Bonnington's.


F - 2349 

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