SC - 1632 | Non-coding RNAs in Colorectal Cancer by Ondrej Slaby, George A. Calin

This is the first book to provide a broad framework for obtaining an in depth understanding of the state-of-the-art knowledge on abnormalities of non-coding RNAs found to be associated with colorectal cancer pathogenesis. Readers will discover possible mechanisms underlying the substantial roles played by non-coding RNAs in molecular hallmarks of colorectal cancer.

This work further provides the comprehensive overview and novel insights into using of non-coding RNAs as colorectal cancer biomarkers enabling early detection of the disease, prognostic stratification of the patients and prediction of therapeutic response.

The reader is introduced to the overview of modern non-coding RNAs-based therapeutic strategies, and summary of their preclinical testing performed in colorectal cancer. The work is written for researchers who want to explore current state of the knowledge in this interesting field of molecular oncology.

SC - 1632

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