TH - 883/1-2 | Gone, But Not Forgotten / After Dark (Phillip Margolin Omnibus) by Phillip Margolin

The first time Russ went into the bedroom, he missed the rose and the note. His back was to the bed when he stripped off his clothes and hung them in the closet. When fifteen more minutes passed without Vicky, Russ went back into the bedroom to phone her best friend. That was when he saw the note on the pillow on the immaculately made bed. There was a black rose lying across the plain, white paper. Written in a careful hand were the words "Gone, But Not Forgotten."

This omnibus volume contains two novels by Phillip Margolin - "Gone, But Not Forgotten" and "After Dark". The novels are grounded in Margolin's own experience a criminal defence attorney who has defended several people accused of murder. 


TH - 883/1-2 

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