F - 2777 | The Girl in the Corner by Amanda Prowse

From bestselling author Amanda Prowse comes the poignant tale of a woman who has always been there for her family. But will they be there for her?

Rae-Valentine and Howard were childhood sweethearts. They’ve shared twenty-five peaceful years since they were brought together by Dolly, Howard’s larger-than-life sister. But now, on the night of their wedding anniversary, Howard reveals a shocking betrayal that leaves Rae reeling.

Heartbroken, she takes Dolly on her would-be anniversary trip to Antigua and the two women drink and dance and talk like they haven’t in years. But in the break from real life, Rae realises her choices have always been made for her, and suddenly she’s questioning not only her fragile marriage but also her one-sided friendships. Is she really the pushover everyone else sees?

When Howard comes looking for reconciliation, Rae has a choice to make: keep the peace, as she always has, or put herself first for once and find out who she really is.

F - 2777

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  1. Aleksandra D.2:01:00 PM

    Meni se ova knjiga nekako bas bas dopala. Lepo oslikane emocije razlicitih karaktera, zivotno. Jedino mi je strani jezik pravio male probleme, povremeno. Ako neko ima prevedeno na srpski, bila bih zahvalna da mi prosledi!

  2. Ivana P.3:04:00 PM

    Vulkan je izdao knjige 'Teo' i 'Ana' od Amande Praus (Amanda Prowse), ali nisam pronasla neka druga izdanja ni u Vulkanu niti kod drugih izdavaca.
    Meni se dopada da procitam istu knjigu na oba jezika, ostaje mi nekada potpuno drugaciji utisak, ili to mozda zavisi od raspolozenja.


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