PN - 1010/3 | Collecting Isobelle (The Curse of Clan Ross #3) by L.L. Muir

Being buried alive taught her nothing...

Believing that true love can never be hers, Isobelle plunges herself into danger, yet again, for the sake of desperate lovers. But this time, the man who condemns her is much more powerful than any priest, and it is not her death he seeks, but something she considers much worse.

He knows when someone is lying--unless it is himself...

Gaspar is content to hide behind the mask of God’s Dragon until a fiery Scotswoman bursts into his life. He believes his thick scales can protect him while he bends her to his will, but he is sorely mistaken.

And he’s not the only one determined to collect Isobelle...

PN - 1010/3

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