TH - 1283/3 | The Dee Valley Killings (DI Ruth Hunter #3) by Simon McCleave

A twisted serial killer. A deadly game of cat and mouse. Can DI Ruth Hunter catch a crazed psychopath who seems intent on destroying her life?

DI Ruth Hunter hopes that settling in Snowdonia with will melt away the grief of a missing partner. Burying herself in her work, she senses that her current missing persons case isn't all that it seems. When a man's body turns up torn to pieces, Ruth realises that she is now tracking a deadly serial killer.

Working with her fiercely patriotic Welsh partner, DI Hunter soon has a prime suspect in her sights - although he seems to always be one step ahead of them.

If you like dark, psychologically complex characters and a gripping rollercoaster of a plot, then this book is for you.

TH - 1283/3

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