SCC -2 | How to Solve Mathematical Problems by Wayne A. Wickelgren

If you've ever tried to solve mathematical problems without any idea how to go about it, this book is for you. It will improve your ability to solve all kinds of mathematical problems whether in mathematics, science, engineering, business, or purely recreational mathematical problems (puzzles, games, etc.).

In the pages of this book you'll discover seven indispensable problem-solving techniques: inference, classification of action sequences, state evaluation and hill climbing, subgoals, contradiction, working backward and relations between problems.

Dr. Wickelgren, formerly a Professor of Psychology at MIT and the University of Oregon, first defines a problem-solving method, then illustrates its application to simple recreational mathematics problems that require no more background than a year of high school algebra and a year of plane geometry.

By devoting the majority of the book to such "puzzle" problems, which require less background and information than more advanced mathematics and science problems, the author reaches the widest possible audience.

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