* U OBRADI - Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics by Alessandro de Angelis, Mario Pimenta

This book introduces particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology.

Starting from an experimental perspective, it provides a unified view of these fields that reflects the very rapid advances being made. This new edition has a number of improvements and has been updated to describe the recent discovery of gravitational waves and astrophysical neutrinos, which started the new era of multimessenger astrophysics; it also includes new results on the Higgs particle.

Astroparticle and particle physics share a common problem: we still don't have a description of the main ingredients of the Universe from the point of view of its energy budget.
Addressing these fascinating issues, and offering a balanced introduction to particle and astroparticle physics that requires only a basic understanding of quantum and classical physics, this book is a valuable resource, particularly for advanced undergraduate students and for those embarking on graduate courses.

It includes exercises that offer readers practical insights can be used equally well as a self-study book, a reference and a textbook.

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