* U OBRADI - Relativity: A Journey Through Warped Space and Time by Daniel R. Mayerson, Anthony M. Charles, Joseph E. Golec

This primer brilliantly exposes concepts related to special and general relativity for the absolute beginner. It can be used either as an introduction to the subject at a high school level or as a useful compass for undergraduates who want to move the first steps towards Einstein's theories.
The book is enhanced throughout with many useful exercises and beautiful illustrations to aid understanding.
The topics covered include:
Lorentz transformations,
length contraction and time dilation,
the twin paradox (and other paradoxes),
Minkowski spacetime,
the Einstein equivalence principle,
curvature of space and spacetime,
parallel transport,
Einstein’s equations of general relativity,
black holes, wormholes, cosmology, gravitational waves, time machines,
and much more.

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