Giles Kristian

PN - 941/1 | God of Vengeance (The Rise of Sigurd #1) by Giles Kristian:


Norway AD 785.
A land of petty kingdoms and ambitious men...

When King Gorm betrays Jarl Harald and puts his family to the sword, he makes a terrible mistake. He fails to kill Harald's youngest son, Sigurd.

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  • Hunted by powerful men and hiding in a sacred fen, Sigurd believes the gods have turned their backs on his family. His kin are dead or captured. His village is attacked and its people taken as slaves. Honour is lost.
    Yet all men know that Ódin, whose name means frenzy, is drawn to chaos and bloodshed as a raven is to the slaughtered dead - and Sigurd means to spill blood.

    Alone but for a small band of loyal men including his red-bearded friend Svein, his father's right-hand man Olaf, and Asgot the godi, Sigurd hungers to avenge the murder of his family.
    In an attempt to catch Ódin's eye, the young man sacrifices himself - as the god once did - and it is during this ritual ordeal that Sigurd is shown a vision.
    The Wolf.
    The Bear.
    The Serpent.
    The Eagle.

PN - 941/2 | Winter's Fire (The Rise of Sigurd #2) by Giles Kristian:


Norway, AD 785.
A vow of vengeance must be kept ...
Sigurd Haraldarson has proved himself a great warrior . . . and a dangerous enemy.
He has gone a long way towards avenging the murder of his family.

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  • And yet the oath-breaker King Gorm, who betrayed Sigurd’s father, still lives. And so long as he draws breath, the scales remain unbalanced.
    The sacred vow to avenge his family burns in Sigurd’s veins, but he must be patient and bide his time.

    He knows that he and his band of warriors are not yet strong enough to confront the treacherous king. They need silver, they need more spear-brothers to rally to the young Viking’s banner—but more than these, they need to win fame upon the battlefield.

PN - 941/3 | Wings of the Storm (The Rise of Sigurd #3) by Giles Kristian:


Norway, AD 785.
A wild place, a place of blood, a place where the gods hold sway . . .

Sigurd Haraldarson and his oathsworn band are winning fame and reputation. But to confront his hated enemy - the oath-breaker and betrayer King Gorm - they must win riches too.

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  • When a daring raid goes wrong, Sigurd finds himself a prisoner of the powerful Jarl Guthrum. Bound like a slave, he is taken to the sacred temple at Ubsola to face the sacrificial knife.

    But here Sigurd discovers a potent relic: Gungnir, a great spear that would give him the power to assemble a host strong enough to challenge King Gorm, and avenge the betrayal of his father and the murder of his family.

PN - 947/1 | Blood Eye (Raven #1) by Giles Kristian:

For two years Osric has lived a simple life, apprentice to the mute old carpenter who took him in when others would have him cast out.

But when Norsemen from across the sea burn his village they also destroy his new life, and Osric finds himself a prisoner of these warriors. Their chief, Sigurd the Lucky, believes the Norns have woven this strange boy's fate together with his own, and Osric begins to sense glorious purpose among this Fellowship of warriors.

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  • Immersed in the Norsemen's world and driven by their lust for adventure, Osric proves a natural warrior and forges a blood bond with Sigurd, who renames him Raven.

    But the Norsemen's world is a savage one, where loyalty is often repaid in blood and where a young man must become a killer to survive.

PN - 947/2 | Sons of Thunder (Raven #2) by Giles Kristian:


The sequel to Giles Kristian's acclaimed historical debut, Raven: Blood Eye, this brutal, bloody and unputdownable novel continues the story of the Viking Raven and his warrior brotherhood.

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  • Never betray a Fellowship and expect to get away with your life...

    Raven and his Wolfpack of Norsemen have been double crossed. The traitor Ealdred seeks to sell a holy book to the Emperor Charlemagne which will ensure riches beyond his wildest dreams. Greed drives him forward, but a band of fearsome warriors is in pursuit across the sea to Charlemagne's Frankish empire -- with the bloodiest of revenge on their minds.

PN - 947/3 | Odin's Wolves (Raven #3) by Giles Kristian:


They came from the North and fought their way through France and Spain. Now this fearless band of brothers sets sail for the greatest city in the world.

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  • Plunging through the living hell of Pope Leo’s shattered, perverted Rome, the dragon-faced ships of Sigurd the Lucky are manned by a strange and fearsome crew: bearded Norse raiders who sacrifice their vanquished enemies to Odin, brave Greek warriors, a Moor, and an English monk.

    Among the Norsemen is Raven, a young man of uncertain parentage who is able—from the depths of his blood-spotted eye—to glimpse the future. Robbed of the woman he loves, Raven is destined to play a cunning role in the boldest of attacks.

PN - 951/1 | Lancelot (The Arthurian Tales #1) by Giles Kristian:


The legions of Rome are a fading memory. Enemies stalk the fringes of Britain. And Uther Pendragon is dying. Into this fractured and uncertain world the boy is cast, a refugee from fire, murder and betrayal. An outsider whose only companions are a hateful hawk and memories of the lost.

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  • Yet he is gifted, and under the watchful eyes of Merlin and the Lady Nimue he will hone his talents and begin his journey to manhood. He will meet Guinevere, a wild, proud and beautiful girl, herself outcast because of her gift. And he will be dazzled by Arthur, a warrior who carries the hopes of a people like fire in the dark. But these are times of struggle and blood, when even friendship and love seem doomed to fail.

    The gods are vanishing beyond the reach of dreams. Treachery and jealousy rule men’s hearts and the fate of Britain itself rests on a sword’s edge.

PN - 951/2 | Camelot (The Arthurian Tales #2) by Giles Kristian:


Following his acclaimed Sunday Times bestseller, Lancelot, Giles Kristian's new novel returns us to the realms of Arthurian legend . . .

Britain is a land riven by anarchy, slaughter, famine, filth and darkness. Its armies are destroyed, its heroes dead, or missing. Arthur and Lancelot fell in the last great battle and Merlin has not been these past ten years.

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  • But in a small, isolated monastery in the west of England, a young boy is suddenly plucked from his simple existence by the ageing warrior, Gawain. It seems he must come to terms with his legacy and fate as the son of the most celebrated yet most infamous of Arthur's warriors: Lancelot.

    For this is the story of Galahad, Lancelot’s son – the reluctant warrior who dared to keep the dream of Camelot alive . . .

Darcy Coates - 25 knjiga

1 | Craven Manor by Darcy Coates - Bestseller

Daniel is desperate for a job. When someone slides a note under his door offering him the groundskeeper’s position at an old estate, it seems too good to be true.

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  • Alarm bells start ringing when he arrives at Craven Manor. The mansion’s front door hangs open, and leaves and cobwebs coat the marble foyer. It’s clear no one has lived there in a long time.
    But an envelope waits for him inside the doorway. It contains money, and promises more.Daniel is desperate. Against his better judgement, he moves into the groundskeeper’s cottage behind the crypt. He’s determined to ignore the strange occurrences that plague the estate.

    But when a candle flickers to life in the abandoned tower window, Daniel realises Craven Manor is hiding a terrible secret… one that threatens to bury him with it.

2 | Hunted by Darcy Coates - Bestseller

She only went off the trail for a moment...
22-year-old Eileen goes missing while hiking in the remote Ashlough Forest. Five days later, her camera is discovered washed downriver, containing bizarre photos taken after her disappearance.

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  • Chris wants to believe Eileen is still alive. When the police search is abandoned, he and four of his friends create their own search party to scour the mountain range. As they stray further from the hiking trails and the unsettling discoveries mount, they begin to believe they’re not alone in the forest… and that Eileen’s disappearance wasn’t an accident.

 3 | The Haunting of Ashburn House by Darcy Coates - Bestseller

There's something wrong with Ashburn House...
The ancient building has been the subject of rumours for close to a century. Its owner, Edith, refused to let guests inside and rarely visited the nearby town.

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  • Following Edith's death, her sole surviving relative, Adrienne, inherits the property. Adrienne's only possessions are a suitcase of luggage, twenty dollars, and her pet cat. Ashburn House is a lifeline she can't afford to refuse.

    Adrienne doesn't believe in ghosts, but it's hard to ignore the unease that grows as she explores her new home. Strange messages have been etched into the wallpaper, an old grave is hidden in the forest behind the house, and eerie portraits in the upstairs hall seem to watch her every movement.

    As she uncovers more of the house's secrets, Adrienne begins to believe the whispered rumours about Ashburn may hold more truth than she ever suspected.

4 | The Folcroft Ghosts by Darcy Coates:

Tara and her brother Kyle are sent to stay with their estranged grandparents when their mother is hospitalised. May and Peter Folcroft seem warm and charming at first, and the house, hidden in the base of the mountains, is idyllic.

But strange things keep happening...

 BV5-1 | Voices in the Snow (Black Winter #1) by Darcy Coates

Clare remembers the cold. She remembers abandoned cars and children’s toys littered across the road. She remembers dark shapes in the snow and a terror she can’t explain. And then…nothing.
When she wakes, aching and afraid in a stranger’s gothic home, he tells her she was in an accident. He claims he saved her. Clare wants to leave, but a vicious snowstorm has blanketed the world in white, trapping them together, and there’s nothing she can do but wait.

Black Winter Series (#1 - #4)

 HS6-1 | House of Shadows (House of Shadows #1) by Darcy Coates

Sophie's world is shattered when disaster bankrupts her family. She's still reeling from the news when she's offered an unexpected solution: Mr Argenton, a wealthy stranger, asks for her hand in marriage.

Marrying Mr Argenton will restore her family's fortunes and save them from scandal, but condemns Sophie to a life in Northwood, a vast and unnaturally dark mansion situated hours from civilisation.

House of Shadows Series (#1 - #2)

 CPB7-1 | Station 331 (Cymic Parasite Breach #1) by Darcy Coates

Station 331, situated on a remote moon near at edge of the known system, isn't a prestigious place to work. Its three-person staff has one basic job: kill the plant-like lifeforms that come off space rubble and meteors.

Jen just wants to get through her eight-month shift without going crazy from the tedium or her co-workers' bickering. That plan crumbles when Carly discovers a strange lifeform during a routine patrol.

Cymic Parasite Breach Series (#1 - #5)

HBH8-1 | The Haunting of Blackwood House (The Haunting of Blackwood House #1) by Darcy Coates

Could you survive a week in a haunted house?

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  • Mara is the daughter of spiritualists. Her childhood was filled with seances, scam mediums and talk of ghostly presences.

    When Mara finally left her family's home, she vowed she would never allow superstition or false religion into her life again. Now she's ready to start over with her fiance, Neil, in a world based on rationality and facts.

    But her past isn't ready to let her go just yet.

    Mara and Neil purchase Blackwood House, a derelict property outside of town. They're warned about strange occurrences in the crumbling building ...

The Haunting of Blackwood House Series (#1)
G9-1 | The Whispering Dead (Gravekeeper #1) by Darcy Coates

Homeless, hunted, and desperate to escape a bitter storm, Keira takes refuge in an abandoned groundskeeper's cottage. Her new home is tucked away at the edge of a cemetery, surrounded on all sides by gravestones: some recent, some hundreds of years old, all suffering from neglect.

And in the darkness, she can hear the unquiet dead whispering.

Gravekeeper Series (#1)
10 | The Carrow Haunt by Darcy Coates
  • "The dead are restless here..." Remy is a tour guide for Carrow House, a notoriously haunted building. When she's asked to host seven guests for a week-long stay to research Carrow's phenomena, she hopes to finally experience some of the sightings that made the house famous.

    At first, it's everything they hoped for. Then a storm moves in, cutting off their contact with the outside world, and things quickly become twisted. Doors open on their own. Seances go disastrously wrong. Red liquid seeps from behind the wallpaper. Their spirit medium wanders through the house during the night, seemingly in a trance.

    Then one of the guests dies under strange circumstances, and Remy is forced to consider the possibility that the ghost of the house's original owner, a twisted serial killer, still walks the halls.

    But by then it's too late to escape.

11 | The House Next Door by Darcy Coates
  • I live next to a haunted house.

    I began to suspect something was wrong with the gothic building when its family fled in the middle of the night, the children screaming, the mother crying. They never came back to pack up their furniture.

    No family stays long. Animals avoid the place. Once, I thought I saw a woman's silhouette pacing through the upstairs room... but that seems impossible; no one was living there at the time.

    A new occupant, Anna, has just moved in. I paid her a visit to warn her about the building. I didn't expect us to become friends, but we did. And now that Marwick House is waking up, she's asked me to stay with her.

12 | The Haunting of Gillespie House by Darcy Coates
  • Elle can't believe her luck; she's spending a month house-sitting the beautiful Gillespie property. Hidden near the edge of the woods and an hour's drive from the nearest town, its dark rooms and rich furniture entice her to explore its secrets. There's even a graveyard hidden behind the house, filled with tombstones that bear an identical year of death.

    If only the scratching in the walls would be quiet…

13 | Dead Lake by Darcy Coates
  • A week's visit to the remote Harob Lake cabin couldn't have come at a better time for Sam.

    She's battling artist's block ahead of a major gallery exhibition. Staying at Harob Lake is her final, desperate attempt to paint the collection that could save her floundering career. It seems perfect: no neighbours, no phone, no distractions.

    But the dream retreat disintegrates into a nightmare when Sam discovers she's being stalked.

    A tall, strange man stands on the edge of her dock, staring intently into the swirling waters below. He starts to follow her. He disables her car. He destroys her only way to communicate with the outside world.

    And Sam is beginning to suspect he's responsible for the series of disappearances from a nearby hiking trail.

14 | The Haunting of Rookward House by Darcy Coates
  • She's always watching...

    When Guy finds the deeds to a house in his mother’s attic, it seems like an incredible stroke of luck. Sure, the building hasn’t been inhabited in forty years and vines strangle the age-stained walls, but Guy is convinced he can clean it up and sell it. He’d be crazy to turn down free money. Right?

    The house is hours from any other habitation, and Guy can't get phone reception in the old building. He decides to camp there while he does repairs. Surely nothing too bad can happen in the space of a week.

    But there’s a reason no one lives in Rookward House, and the dilapidated rooms aren’t as empty as they seem…

15 | Ghost Camera by Darcy Coates
  • A small number of cameras have the ability to capture ghosts on film. This gift comes at a steep price; the ghosts are resentful and hungry, and the cameras offer them a rare chance to reach their favourite prey… humans.

    Jenine didn’t know any of this when she found an abandoned Polaroid camera in a lighthouse. At first she assumes the ghostly shapes in the photos are a glitch or a prank – but then the spirits begin to hunt her down, and she’s forced into a deadly race to free herself from the camera’s curse.

16 | Once Returned by Darcy Coates
  • Carol’s husband, Jon, went missing while hiking in the extensive Harob forest. Searches over the following five days failed to find him, and he was assumed dead from exposure.

    Two weeks later, Jon knocks on the front door of their home. Carol wants to accept his return as a miracle, but there are too many unanswered questions. Why is he so hostile? Why didn't he contact her sooner? How did he get the bloodstains on his shirt?

    And the most disturbing question: is the man sleeping next to her really her husband?

17 | Small Horrors: A Collection of Fifty Creepy Stories by Darcy Coates
  • Something mimics human voices as it lures you into the woods.

    One of the morgue's corpses is missing.

    Your friend wants to meet late at night, but they're not acting like themselves.

    Immerse yourself in the macabre, the gothic, and the chilling with this collection of fifty short stories.


A.J. Stewart - 15 knjiga

MJC1 | Stiff Arm Steal (A Miami Jones Case #1) by A.J. Stewart:
Who stole the Heisman trophy?

The prize Heisman of former NFL football hero, part-time media personality and full-time blowhard BJ Baker has been stolen. Baker knows Miami Jones is the only one who can find it. Problem is, he hates Jones. And the feeling is mutual.

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  • Miami takes on a jealous husband, a feisty ex-con and a police detective with a desire to see him take a long walk off a short pier, and he finds that Florida is home to so many retired footballers he could start a pensioner football league. But who is prepared to kill to get their hands on college football's highest honor?

A Miami Jones Case Series (#1 - #11)
JF1 | The Final Tour (John Flynn #1) by A.J. Stewart:

The new series from USA Today bestselling author AJ Stewart.
Warrior. Patriot. Traitor?

Jacques Fontaine always wanted to serve but he never expected to lead this band of brothers. Different nationalities, different languages, a collection of misfits. And the world's elite terrorist hunters.

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  • Sent to Iraq during the US drawdown on what appears to be a routine investigation, they find themselves under attack from insurgents, the military and unseen forces with widespread political connections.

    With their careers—if not their lives—under threat, Fontaine must lead his unit through the fire if this isn't to become their final tour of duty.

John Flynn Series (#1 - #3)
LLA1 | Temple of Gold (Lenny & Lucas Adventure #1) by A.J. Stewart:

A Marine questioning his orders.
An SAS soldier with a healthy disregard for authority.
Tales of slaves and temples in the Kampuchean jungle.

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  • Lenny Cox joined the Marines to protect the innocent. The adventure was a bonus. So lying in the humid Southeast Asian jungle watching over a CIA supply drop is his idea of a good day out. That's until he sees the recipient of the drop is an ex-Khmer Rouge unit, four years after the killing fields.

    Lenny does what he should never do—he searches for the truth. But in this place the truth is slippery, and everybody has dirty hands. Even the peasants taken as slaves.

    He figures there's not much a lone Marine can do, until a chance encounter with an Australian SAS soldier who might know as much as Lenny knows, and might be just as unhappy about it.

    Together they take on their own governments, spies, and the Khmer Rouge, in a part of the world that the rest of the world just wants to forget.

Lenny & Lucas Adventure Series (#1)

A.J. Macey, Jarica James - 14 knjiga

BW1 | Smoke and Wishes (Best Wishes #1) by A.J. Macey:

What do you do when your whole life is a lie?
Go to college...

I just found out that I’m a supernatural and now I’m attending Redwood Supernatural University. With its magic and mix of beings from myth and legend, I’m definitely not in the human world anymore.

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  • But not everything is picture perfect. I have the Bitch Crew that are determined to get rid of me, a guy that’s hell-bent on teaching me a lesson, and my past haunting me in my dreams.

    It’s not all bad though; I have my quirky roommate Sadie and six guys who seem intent on keeping me around.

    I got this...hopefully.

The Best Wishes Series is a WhyChoose/Reverse Harem saga featuring MMFMMMM meaning there is M/M content, and the female main character doesn't have to choose between her love interests.

This series contains references involving PTSD, sexual assault recollections, domestic violence, and other themes that some readers may find triggering.

Best Wishes Series (#1 - #3)
A1 | Rival (The Aces #1) by A.J. Macey:

Hey b*tches, my name’s Kiera. You might know me as The Cat, famous cat burglar/thief.

No? Well, let me give you a little insight into my life as of late.

I was going about, minding my own damn business when the mob boss who runs most of the Reno underground sent an assassin after me. Crazy, yeah?

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  • Anyway, six months later the previously mentioned assassin is now my partner in crime when we get a job from the local motorcycle club, The Aces. All good and dandy, right? Wrong. They’re 1%ers, all three officers unbelievably attractive. Oh, yeah, the Vice President of the MC? That’s my asshole step-brother and let’s not even get started on the club’s suspicious Enforcer or the President who’s dripping in sexual swagger.

    With four sexy as f*ck men at my back, can I get the job done or will our explosive personalities cause us to be at each other’s throats? Oh, damn! Almost forgot in the thought of all the ruggedly attractive men, muscles, and tattoos that the rival MC, The Alloy Kings, are moving in and seem intent to take me down with the Aces.

    F*cking bastards.
    I’m The Cat, and soon enough, they’ll learn that I’ve got claws.

    The Aces Series is a WhyChoose/Reverse Harem trilogy featuring MFMMM meaning the female main character doesn't have to choose between her love interests.

This book contains references involving PTSD, sexual assault recollections, abuse, and other themes that some readers may find triggering.

The Aces Series (#1 - #3)
CC1 | Lads & Lattes (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds #1) by A.J. Macey:

Emma’s to-do list:
1- dump Tyler
2- survive new school
3- rock senior year

My life was as perfect as a teenage girl could hope it would be; friends, boyfriend, straight-A student, loving parents, and all that jazz. Until my entire world comes crashing down. Alright, that may be a bit dramatic, but come on, what sane person wants to move half-way across the country after their senior year has already started?

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  • That’s not all that happened, but I digress. My entire world gets shaken up and suddenly I find myself in the middle of freaking nowhere Nebraska surrounded by three cute guys…
    Reid, the clown of the group,
    Kingston, the laidback, go with the flow kind of guy,
    and Jesse, the closed off one you don’t even want me to get started on.
    Anyway, so here I am facing all sorts of challenges I never even thought of like a creepy classmate, a mean Assistant Principal, and trouble with the law, but they’ve got my back.

    We can totally handle our senior year and make it to graduation, right?

    The High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds Series is a WhyChoose/Reverse Harem trilogy featuring MFMM meaning the female main character doesn't have to choose between her love interests.

This book contains references involving PTSD, sexual assault recollections, abuse, underage drinking, and other themes that some readers may find triggering. This is the first of three books and DOES end in a cliffhanger.

High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds Series (1# - #3) 

FSID1 | Whisper of Spirits (FSID Agents #1) by A.J. Macey:

Ritual murders?
Reliving death memories?
Avoiding the advances of my overly-attentive coworker who doesn’t realize he’s been firmly friendzoned?

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  • That’s just a casual Friday when you’re the Olympia Police Department’s favorite consulting psychometric medium. Yeah, that’s me, Casper Colt, the supe who can talk to dead people and see things when I touch stuff.

    Well, that all changes when four sexy agents from the Federal Supernatural Investigation Division are called in to assist with finding the killer.

This book contains references involving PTSD, murder, violence, and other themes that some readers may find triggering.

FSID Agents Series (#1)

VCV1 | Masked by Vengeance (Vega City Vigilantes #1) by A.J. Macey:

I always loved superhero stories, at least until I found myself living one.

A wave of radiation washed over the Earth 22 years ago, changing a portion of the population. Less than an eighth of the world found themselves with strange powers, capable of doing amazing feats. Those affected were named Phenomenals. I am one of them.

Orphan. Hermit. Phenom with blue lightning.

This book contains references involving PTSD, death, violence, and other themes that some readers may find triggering.

Vega City Vigilantes Series (#1)
NYBW1 | Witch, Please (Not Your Basic Witch #1) by A.J. Macey, Jarica James:

Aris Calisto, newest student at Aether Academy of Crystal Magic and Witchcraft not only stands out with her quirky outfits and bubblegum pink hair but also draws attention by being what’s considered the lowest of the low in the Akasha society- a Mixta.

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  • When mysterious things start happening, including unexpected bindings, things going missing, and being claimed by a not-so-traditional familiar, Aris realizes she’s in over her cotton candy-colored head. Enter in the five guys who have been magically roped into Aris’s rodeo:

    -Caspian, the playful potions brewer,
    -Drayce, the summoner who never seems to get overwhelmed,
    -Kye, a broody rune drawer who Aris can’t help but pester,
    -Xan, the spell caster with no sense of humor to speak of,
    -and Torryn, the history professor who seems to demand every waking hour working on mastering her power.

    With a cauldron full of men behind her, can Aris use her i’magic’nation to figure out what’s happening to her capricious coven? Or will she find out that life’s a real witch?

The Not Your Basic Witch is a WhyChoose/Reverse Harem trilogy featuring MMFMMM meaning there is M/M content, and the female main character doesn't have to choose between her love interests. This trilogy is the first in a series collection consisting of six trilogies titled Legends of Asteria. Each trilogy should be read in order.

**This book contains references involving violence, and other themes that some readers may find triggering.**

Not Your Basic Witch Series by A.J. Macey, Jarica James (#1 - #3)

A.D. Starrling - 9 knjiga

S1 | Hunted (Seventeen #1) by A.D. Starrling:

"They call me the half-breed.
The first time they killed me, I was ten.
They’ve been hunting me all my life.
It’s time I stopped running."

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  • Born of a Bastian mother and a Crovir father, a half-breed who is abhorred by the two Immortal races, Lucas Soul spends the first three hundred and fifty years of his existence being chased and killed by the Hunters.

    One fall night in Boston, the Hunt starts again, resulting in Soul's fifteenth death and triggering a chain of events that sends him on the run with Reid Hasley, a former US Marine and his human business partner. From Paris to Prague, their search for answers leads them deep into the Immortal societies and brings them face to face with someone from Soul’s past. Shocking secrets are revealed and fresh allies come to the fore as they uncover a new and terrifying threat to both immortals and humans.

Seventeen Series (#1 - #3)
+ The Seventeen Series Short Story Collection 1 (Seventeen #0.1 - #0.3) by A.D. Starrling
L1 | Blood and Bones (Legion #1) by A.D. Starrling:

I am darkness. I am light.

I am wrath. I am salvation.

Artemus Steele is many things. The world's foremost yet least celebrated expert on all things ancient and arcane. A metalsmith with unusual skills. The owner of an antique shop and a switchblade that is more than just a knife. What he doesn’t want to be is a hero. When the monster he first met on the night he turned six appears on his doorstep, Artemus suspects his life is about to go from strange to hell in a handbasket. And he isn’t too happy about that.

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  • Callie Stone arrives in Chicago with one purpose in mind: to sell one of her dead husband’s prized possessions. When the auction house gets attacked by fiendish creatures and the relic goes missing, Callie realizes that the life she has known is a lie and the world is full of frightening things straight out of her worst nightmares.

    Moments after snatching a priceless artifact from one of the most securely guarded private functions in the country, Drake Hunter is confronted by enemies he thought he’d left in his past. Brought face to face with the mysterious organization after the relic, Drake knows he is dealing with something evil. Because the devil inside him is stirring once more.

Legion Series (#1 - #5)

* U OBRADI - Evolution Impossible: 12 Reasons Why Evolution Cannot Explain the Origin of Life on Earth by John F. Ashton

There is scientific evidence proving evolution cannot be responsible for life on Earth. In Evolution Impossible, Dr. John Ashton uses discoveries in genetics, biochemistry, geology, radiometric dating, and other scientific disciplines to explain why the theory of evolution is a myth. Regardless of your level of scientific education, you will finish this book able to cite 12 reasons why evolution cannot explain the origin of life.

SCC -2 | How to Solve Mathematical Problems by Wayne A. Wickelgren

If you've ever tried to solve mathematical problems without any idea how to go about it, this book is for you. It will improve your ability to solve all kinds of mathematical problems whether in mathematics, science, engineering, business, or purely recreational mathematical problems (puzzles, games, etc.).

In the pages of this book you'll discover seven indispensable problem-solving techniques: inference, classification of action sequences, state evaluation and hill climbing, subgoals, contradiction, working backward and relations between problems.

Dr. Wickelgren, formerly a Professor of Psychology at MIT and the University of Oregon, first defines a problem-solving method, then illustrates its application to simple recreational mathematics problems that require no more background than a year of high school algebra and a year of plane geometry.

By devoting the majority of the book to such "puzzle" problems, which require less background and information than more advanced mathematics and science problems, the author reaches the widest possible audience.

SCC - 3 | Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body by Neil Shubin

Why do we look the way we do? What does the human hand have in common with the wing of a fly? Are breasts, sweat glands, and scales connected in some way? To better understand the inner workings of our bodies and to trace the origins of many of today's most common diseases, we have to turn to unexpected sources: worms, flies, and even fish.

Neil Shubin, a leading paleontologist and professor of anatomy who discovered Tiktaalik-the "missing link" that made headlines around the world in April 2006-tells the story of evolution by tracing the organs of the human body back millions of years, long before the first creatures walked the earth.

By examining fossils and DNA, Shubin shows us that our hands actually resemble fish fins, our head is organized like that of a long-extinct jawless fish, and major parts of our genome look and function like those of worms and bacteria.

Shubin makes us see ourselves and our world in a completely new light. Your Inner Fish is science writing at its finest-enlightening, accessible, and told with irresistible enthusiasm.

SCC - 4 | The Science of Interstellar by Kip Thorne, Christopher Nolan

A journey through the otherworldly science behind Christopher Nolan’s highly anticipated film, Interstellar, from executive producer and theoretical physicist Kip Thorne.

Interstellar, from acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Nolan, takes us on a fantastic voyage far beyond our solar system. Yet in The Science of Interstellar, Kip Thorne, the physicist who assisted Nolan on the scientific aspects of Interstellar, shows us that the movie’s jaw-dropping events and stunning, never-before-attempted visuals are grounded in real science.

Thorne shares his experiences working as the science adviser on the film and then moves on to the science itself. In chapters on wormholes, black holes, interstellar travel, and much more, Thorne’s scientific insights—many of them triggered during the actual scripting and shooting of Interstellar — describe the physical laws that govern our universe and the truly astounding phenomena that those laws make possible.

SCC - 5 | The Quantization of Gravity by Claus Gerhardt

A unified quantum theory incorporating the four fundamental forces of nature is one of the major open problems in physics.
The Standard Model combines electro-magnetism, the strong force and the weak force, but ignores gravity. The quantization of gravity is therefore a necessary first step to achieve a unified quantum theory.

In this monograph a canonical quantization of gravity has been achieved by quantizing a geometric evolution equation resulting in a gravitational wave equation in a globally hyperbolic spacetime.

Applying the technique of separation of variables we obtain eigenvalue problems for temporal and spatial self-adjoint operators where the temporal operator has a pure point spectrum with eigenvalues $\lambda_i$ and related eigenfunctions, while, for the spatial operator, it is possible to find corresponding eigendistributions for each of the eigenvalues $\lambda_i$, if the Cauchy hypersurface is asymptotically Euclidean or if the quantized spacetime is a black hole with a negative cosmological constant.

The hyperbolic equation then has a sequence of smooth solutions which are products of temporal eigenfunctions and spatial eigendistributions. Due to this "spectral resolution" of the wave equation quantum statistics can also be applied to the quantized systems. These quantum statistical results could help to explain the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

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