SC - 1157 | Gene-Environment Interplay in Interpersonal Relationships across the Lifespan

Gene-Environment Interplay in Interpersonal Relationships across the Lifespan by Briana N. Horwitz, Jenae M. Neiderhiser

Intriguing new findings on how genes and environments work together through different stages of life take the spotlight in this significant collection.

Studies from infancy to late adulthood show both forces as shaping individuals' relationships within family and non-family contexts, and examine how these relationships, in turn, continue to shape the individual.

Transitional periods, in which individuals become more autonomous and relationships and personal identities become more complicated, receive special emphasis. In addition, chapters shed light on the extent to which the quantity and quality of genetic and environmental influence may shift across and even within life stages.

2015 | ISBN 978-1-4939-2922-1 | ISBN 978-1-4939-2923-8 | ID: SC - 1157

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