SC - 616 | Electrochemical Engineering

Electrochemical Engineering: From Discovery to Product (Advances in Electrochemical Sciences and Engineering) by Richard C. Alkire (Editor), Philip N. Bartlett (Editor), Marc Koper (Editor)

This volume in the "Advances in Electrochemical Sciences and Engineering" series focuses on problem-solving, illustrating how to translate basic science into engineering solutions.

The book's concept is to bring together engineering solutions across the range of nano-bio-photo-micro applications, with each chapter co-authored by an academic and an industrial expert whose collaboration led to reusable methods that are relevant beyond their initial use.

Examples of experimental and/or computational methods are used throughout to facilitate the task of moving atomistic-scale discoveries and understanding toward well-engineered products and processes based on electrochemical phenomena.

ISBN: 3527342060 | 2018 | ID: SC - 616

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