PN - 999/2.5 | Crossroads (The Artifactor #2.5/Deepwoods Saga #3.5) by Honor Raconteur

Sometimes, as is often the case with magic, things go awry. Sevana’s quite accustomed to magical explosions, fires, and curses in her daily life. People abruptly appearing inside of Big from a different planet? Well, she has to admit, that’s a first.

Deepwoods Guild specializes in traveling, but with Grae at the helm, they’ve never had a path fail. Until now. For the first time in his professional career, Grae has no idea where they are or how to get them back home again.

But maybe, if the Pathmakers and Artifactors can put their heads together, they can figure it out.

PN - 999/2.5
PN - 1011/3.5

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